The St. Thomas University in North Sumatra will facilitate the launch and dissection of the book “Pastor James Bharataputra, SJ – Misionaris Sejati Dari India Untuk Indonesia ” written by Dr. Ulber Silalahi dan Dr. Tutik Rachmawati. Details of the launch are as follows:
Date:14 April, 2018
Time: 2.00pm
Venue:Catholic Center, Jln. Mataram No. 21 Medan
I would like to place on record my grateful appreciation to the authors Ulber Silalahi dan Tutik Rachmawati who had to spend more than a year to research my life’s journey to write the book. I would also like to thank the Parahyangan Catholic University in Bandung and St. Thomas University in North Sumatra for making the book launch possible.
I am grateful to Almighty God for all the many blessings received throughout my life and God has proved Himself faithful so many times, and that we are doing what God called and laid on our hearts to do.
Father James Bharataputra.
Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni
Watch the recording of the event here