I wish, all my dear and near ones and my well-wishers, God’s abundant blessings on this blessed Christmas Day (25.12.20019) and throughout the coming New Year 2020 which happens to be THE GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR OF MY PRIESTLY ORDINATIONS (27.12 .1970 – 27.12.2020). What a Christmas Gift for me from Baby Jesus!
Please join me in thanking God during my spiritual preparations, FOR All HIS WONDERFUL DEEDS IN AND THROUGH ME, all these years of MY MISSIONARY LIFE, in Malaysia serving the Sungai Way rubber estate workers at St. Ignatius substation of St. Francis Xavier parish, Assumption Parish in Puchong Estate Substation of Maria Fatima Brickfields, and in the substation of Rawang Estate of St. Joseph parish in Sentul (1966-67) respectively.
Similarly, in Indonesia: in St. Anthony’s parish among the Tamil Catholic migrants in Medan (1972-83), among the Chinese in Sabang, Takengon, Beuren, Lhokseumawe of the Sacred Heart parish in Banda Aceh (1983-92), in the transmigrant settlements in Prafi of the Good Shepherd parish, Emmanuel Parish in Manokwari of Irian Jaya, Western Papua (1992-96), in Pematang Siantar at TOR St. Markus (Spiritual Orientation year 1996-2000) and finally for the past two decades at the Marian Shrine in Medan, Indonesia (2000-2019).
Thanks for your prayers in anticipation.
Fr.James Bharataputra S. J.
Shrine Rector of
Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni Medan, Indonesia.